When I recently released version 1.0.1 of Arturo, I added a slideshow function that allows you to display featured posts at the top of your home page. There are no theme options available for the slideshow because I wanted to use it as a way to get users familiar with the Custom Actions editor.

Here is the block of code that actually displays the Faderota slideshow:

function arturo_index_top_slideshow() {
add_action('arturo_index_top', 'arturo_index_top_slideshow');

It is located right at the bottom of the /admin/actions.php file. In order to change it or remove it, though, you need to use the Custom Actions editor.

Here is the code you need to remove the slideshow completely:

remove_action('arturo_index_top', 'arturo_index_top_slideshow');

Faderota is the default slideshow but you can also display my Scrollerota and Sliderota slideshows. Here is how the function works and all of its arguments:

$args = array(
	'type' => 'faderota', // options are faderota, scrollerota, sliderota
	'cat' => '', // the category id you wish to include or exclude
	'postnum' => 4, // the number of slides
	'width' => theme_option('content_width'), // the width of the slideshow
	'height' => 260, // the height of the slideshow
	'excerpt' => 35 // the length of the excerpt

If you want to change the default slideshow you can do so using something similar to this:

remove_action('arturo_index_top', 'arturo_index_top_slideshow');
add_action('arturo_index_top', 'new_top_slideshow');
function new_top_slideshow() {
	$args = array(
		'type' => 'scrollerota',
		'postnum' => 5

You don’t need to include every argument, only the ones you want to actually change. The code above would display the Scrollerota slideshow with 5 slides. You can see the above code example live on the Arturo demo site.

It may seem a bit daunting at first but if you can familiarize yourself with using Arturo‘s Custom Actions then you can push the theme framework to the limits and build a truly customized site.

Arturo is a theme framework for WordPress created by Themes by bavotasan.com. You can buy it now for $97.00 USD.