Add Class to All Excerpts in WordPress
by Bandicoot Marketing on | Posted in Tutorials | 4 comments
In WordPress, the post excerpt can be displayed using a function called the_excerpt()
. This function has no parameters but it does have some filters which you can hook into. I discussed changing the length and the trailing elipses using filters in my article Quick & Easy Excerpt Mods Coming in WordPress 2.9.
Recently, a design I was working on required the excerpts to be styled a certain way. By default, WordPress displays excerpts wrapped in a basic paragraph tag. Without a class or an ID, I had no way of differentiating the excerpt from any other element. To accomplish this I needed to write a function that would hook into the filter the_excerpt
and include a class in the paragraph tag.
All it took was a few lines of PHP added to the theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( "the_excerpt", "add_class_to_excerpt" ); function add_class_to_excerpt( $excerpt ) { return str_replace('<p', '<p class="excerpt"', $excerpt); }
With the above code, all excerpts would be surrounded by a paragraph tag with the class “excerpt” which could now be styled using CSS like so:
.excerpt { font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; background: #eee; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #e2e2e2; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff; color: #444; }
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