Articles, Downloads
Introducing: Launchstream
With a few delays pushing the launch date for the new Themes by Bavotasan down the road a little bit, our team has decided to release one of our brand…
With a few delays pushing the launch date for the new Themes by Bavotasan down the road a little bit, our team has decided to release one of our brand…
When WordPress 4.7 was released, an option to use a header video instead of an image was added to the Customizer. Including the feature in a theme like Arcade seemed…
There isn’t a good amount of information on wp_remote_get() in the codex so here’s a simple function to explain how it works.
Living in Montreal, I often have to create multi-lingual websites for clients. That means finding the right plugin for the job. I don’t always use WPML, but it’s one of…
For some reason, there are multiple functions in WordPress that do similar things but require different approaches. On the surface, you’d think the admin_body_class function would work the same as…
Recently, I’ve had a lot of customers asking me about creating a theme translation file for some of my themes. What I always assumed was a straightforward process actually has…
When you upload an image to WordPress it’s processed and compressed to 90% of its original JPEG quality. This is a default setting that’s in place to automatically optimize every…
When you load up the latest post on a properly designed WordPress site, you should see a link for the previous post somewhere on the page. It usually appears right…
This is just a quick little snippet to display a word count on the single post page in WordPress. Since it requires being placed within the loop, you can actually…
For a recent project, a client required a front end uploader to allow their customers to submit a consent form. Once they completed the form they could upload it as…