Category: Tutorials


Meta Descriptions for WordPress

A very important thing to pay attention to when optimizing your site for search engine ranking is creating unique pages meta descriptions for all of the pages on your website…

PHP Errors

Turning On PHP Errors

For security reasons, most web servers have PHP errors turned off. This makes sense on live sites since you really wouldn’t want people to see all your root paths if…


Using CSS Resets

Before you start building a new site, one important decision you need to make is whether or not you want certain elements of your design to rely on the default…

Sleek CSS3 Navigation Menu

A Sleek Navigation Menu with CSS3

I’m in the middle of working on a new layout and design for Themes by and I have been tossing around a few ideas for my main navigation menu.…

A Basic jQuery Slideshow

Most sites you will visit nowadays will have some sort of slideshow or content slider. Check out Themes by and you will see my Sliderota jQuery plugin in action.…

Rotating Text

Text Rotation with CSS3

I’m working on a new design for Themes by and I have been contemplating a few different approaches for some new buttons. This one fell by the wayside but…

Tweet This

Adding a Tweet Button to WordPress

After I completed the redesign for, I was looking for some social media links to add to the bottom of my single post pages. The main two buttons I…