Better Way to Resize Video using jQuery
I have already written a little jQuery snippet to resize videos but I came across an article by Chris Coyier with an approach that I thought worked a lot better.…
I have already written a little jQuery snippet to resize videos but I came across an article by Chris Coyier with an approach that I thought worked a lot better.…
I had previously written about how you can easily trim your text using a build in WordPress function called wp_trim_words() but sometimes you actually want to trim your text to…
When I was working on the Gridiculous responsive grid boilerplate and putting together the site, I wanted to create an easy way to add a syntax highlighter for my code…
I’ve been working on a WordPress theme for my Gridiculous boilerplate for quite a while and I’m finally finished. I submitted it to WordPress.org but it usually takes them a…
It took me a while to actually figure out the name of this type of operator since trying to search “PHP” and “question mark” didn’t really result in anything useful.…
When you upload something into WordPress using the Media Uploader, you can include information such as a caption or a description. If you wanted to include something else, you would…
If you’ve included any social buttons on your site, such as the Facebook like button, you can usually see how many people have clicked on it. It’s all done through…
When I first started putting out Premium themes for WordPress, I create a custom excerpt function that would trim your post content to a certain number of words. Today, I…
If you’ve written a long post, WordPress provides the <!–nextpage–> quicktag so you can divide it into multiple pages. All you need to do is make sure that the theme…
This is just a little snippet I discovered in the WordPress codex that allows your to display the time since your post was published. I wrote it into a little…