And the Winner is…
For the month of June, I held a contest where anyone who purchased one of my Premium themes had their name entered for a chance to win a 16GB Wi-Fi…
For the month of June, I held a contest where anyone who purchased one of my Premium themes had their name entered for a chance to win a 16GB Wi-Fi…
You might experience some downtime on http://bavotasan.com and http://themes.bavotasan.com over the next little while. I have decided to migrate my sites over to Media Temple to have more control of…
I was developing a WordPress site for a client who required multiple images for each of the products that they offered. Instead of uploading each one through the WP uploader,…
One of the winners of a free copy of Magazine Premium (see this article) suggested implementing @font-face kits to the theme. I had read about @font-face but never actually attempted…
I have been a Mac man for almost ten years now, and though many Web developers swear to working on a PC, I find my Mac has everything I need…
October is here and that means it’s time for another contest. This month I will be giving away a one-year subscription to Layers Magazine. For those who have never heard…
I was putting together a bit of code to pull in a Twitter feed, similar to what you see in the footer of bavotasan.com. I got everything working properly but…
I have been a Mac man for a long time. I know some people hate ’em for whatever reason, but I have always found them to be great machines for…
I just had someone ask me why everything on their front page became bolded when they placed <?php the_content(‘(more’)); ?> in their code to use in conjunction with the more…
With the amount of people walking around using iPhones or some sort of Blackberry or PDA, it makes sense to provide an alternative landing page for Mobile/Handheld users that is…