Tag: html


Using CSS Resets

Before you start building a new site, one important decision you need to make is whether or not you want certain elements of your design to rely on the default…

Smiley Face with CSS3

How to Draw a Smiley Face with CSS3

I was messing around with CSS3 gradients, rounded corners and shadows, and I thought to myself, “I wonder if I can draw something that actually looks like something?” Lo and…

Get Familiar with HTML 5

If you work on the web you have probably heard about HTML 5. It is the next evolutionary step in web programming and the sooner you familiarize yourself with it…

10 WordPress Plugins You Should Use

WordPress.org currently hosts 6,265 plugins, which makes it kind of hard to figure out which ones are worth using. I have been using WordPress with a long time now and…

A New Comment Editor

I have had some requests to figure out a way that visitors of bavotasan.com could leave code and simple styling in their comments. I searched and searched and tried many…