Tag: website

Zombie with Film Camera for Head

I am working on a website for a horror film festival and created this image by splicing a few things together. Sadly, we won’t be using on the site but…

Server Down!

I’ve spent the past four days dealing with an attack on my server that caused all of my sites to go offline. Talk about a long weekend. I send out…


Using CSS Resets

Before you start building a new site, one important decision you need to make is whether or not you want certain elements of your design to rely on the default…

A New Comment Editor

I have had some requests to figure out a way that visitors of bavotasan.com could leave code and simple styling in their comments. I searched and searched and tried many…

12 Free Illustrator Vector Buttons

I was messing around in Illustrator yesterday and decided to throw together my first free vector pack. I created 12 colourful buttons (tutorial coming soon) that can be used for…